City of Morton - Morton Washington

Monday, August 26, 2024 - City Council Meeting - 7:00 pm

2025 - 2045 Comprehensive Plan Update

Washington State's Growth Management Act (GMA) [Chapter 36.70A Revised Code of Washington (RCW)] requires many cities and counties to review and update their Comprehensive Plans (Plan) every ten years to ensure they are up-to-date and remain relevant.

The next update to the City of Morton Comprehensive Plan is currently due at the end of June 2025. The 2025 Update will plan for population and housing growth from 2025 to 2045.

**Check back soon because this page will be updated often through this process**

1. Get Involved
2. Schedule
3. Information

• Read the Draft Comprehensive Plan documents. These documents include:

• Attend public open houses. Current dates and times as follow:

  • September 23, 2024
  • October 28, 2024
  • January 23, 2024
  • All open houses will be held at 6PM on the dates mentioned above at Lyle Community Center, 700 Main Street, Morton. These open houses will be followed by a regular Council meeting which will contain a workshop with the Council to discuss the updates. The public is encouraged to attend.

• Provide written comments during comment periods. Public comments will be added to the website as they are submitted. Written comments can be submitted in the following way:

  • In person: at City Hall, 192 Adams Street, Morton .
  • Via mail: sent to City Hall, @Comp Plan Update, PO Box 1089, Morton WA 98536
  • Email: Please show Morton comp plan in the subject line to avoid your comments ending up in Spam.

• Testify during public hearings (pending - hearings have not yet been scheduled)